Friday, January 2, 2009


I've been giving some thought as to how I want to approach this whole "new year" business.

Oh, I could make resolutions. Been there. Done that. Broke those.

Still, the cliche of New Year's being a time of new beginnings has some merit. It helps to have those landmarks when one wants to psychically and spiritually "clean house" (I tried physically cleaning house today, but I gave up and played on the Internet).

So now I ponder what changes I want in my life. What do I want to discard, what do I want to improve, what do I want to maintain as-is?

I'm thinking my collection of samurai movies needs improving, so I just added another to the mix (thank you Internet).

Perhaps I should think of deeper things in life, but I'm a shallow, petty creature.

I can live with that.

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