Friday, January 9, 2009

The Score

I like musical scores. Movie scores. TV show scores. Video game scores. I have examples of the entire lot in my insane collection of DVDs.

It started with Star Wars. It spun out of control shortly after that.

I've developed a theory that the worse a movie is, the better the score will be. The Empire Strikes Back, does not support that theory, but the Lucasfilm productions tend to throw a lot of monkey wrenches in my worldview.

So the other day I got the soundtrack/score to "Torchwood".

For the unenlightened, "Torchwood" is a spin-off of the revived "Dr. Who". It's sort of a socially-retarded "X-Files" ripoff with sex tossed in to titilate all the 13-year-olds who torrent the show.

Well, that was season one, anyway. I didn't really give season two a chance.

Anyways, I got the score and I've been listening to it.

I quite like it. I'm almost tempted to give season two a go.


Maybe after I finish season one of "Reaper". Or maybe never.

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