Friday, January 16, 2009


The weekend is still several hours ahead of me, alas. I have the new BSG episode to look forward to (I suppose... I've been disappointed in this season so far).

My other TV shows start soon:

"Fringe" - Jan. 20 @ 9pm
"Burn Notice" - Jan. 22 @ 10pm
"Dollhouse" - Feb. 13
"Reaper" - ??

Hopefully I won't have any unexpected snafus when the cable goes pure-digital. I have no faith that Comcast's idiots can get their sh*t together. It's not supposed to affect me...


The weekend is otherwise pretty clear. I'm going to take it easy and try to deal with these allergies and get caught up on my sleep.

Mmm... sleep...


Schadwen said...

CW webpage said Reaper in mid-March.

So much for the plan to run during Smallville's mid-season hiatus.

VM Brasseur said...

You might need company for the premier of Dollhouse. I'm just sayin'...