Monday, April 29, 2019

Avengers: Endgame

Saw it.

No spoilers here. Just needed to say that I really, really liked it. Fun movie. There's a climactic moment that made me squee. Oh, there were a few plot holes (kinda big ones) but overall I have to say I really liked how they tied several stories together.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

A scattering of topics

  • Have gotten a lesson this week in bureaucracy. Trying to figure out what my next step is to get a proper resolution. I hate this crap.
  • I've come to the conclusion that I'm criminally out-of-shape. Ridiculously so. I shouldn't be this out-of-shape. I mean, I fairly regularly practice martial arts and all that. Turns out if you only do a martial arts class a couple of days a week and do fuck all for the other five days, you don't really progress very much. So it's time to up my game. Went jogging today and... wow do I have a ways to go!
  • I've been given an amazing gift: a Traumahawk! Yes, that's right, I have another Zombie Tool! Oh glory day! This thing is a brutal bit of metallic awesome! I'm amazed I haven't broken anything in my apartment (or cut off a limb). Yet.
  • I think I'm obsessed with bullet points.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Obligatory April post


So I finished "A Veil of Spears", the third book of the "Shattered Sands" series by Bradley P. Beaulieu. Goddamn that series is getting intense! The last book is due around July and I simply cannot wait!

I just finished (like an hour ago) "Tiamat's Wrath" by James S.A. Corey. Book 8 in "The Expanse" may well be the best of the series thus far. I can't recall being so utterly drawn into a novel in a long time. The sheer, mind-boggling, amount of shit that went down in that 500+ pages of awesome has left me in awe. I'm not ashamed to admit there was a point when I had to close the book 'cause something happened that made me get a bit choked up.

Oh, and now it's suddenly April. It's six days into April. 2019 seems to be burning along at a disturbingly-fast clip. Not sure how to process that.