Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I saw this on Tokyomango.


I immediately found my mind was log-jammed with snarky commentary from this. This quote, in particular, is priceless:

"Nordic-looking blondes can be particularly terrifying to look in the eye. Take a deep breath, then hit Play. If you can get through the first 30 seconds without curling up in the fetal position under your desk, you're home free."

The article gives a choice of staring at this girl or this girl.


In the first young woman's video, I think eye contact would be a bit more difficult. If you don't get why... well I'm not going to explain it.

I'd consider myself reasonably shy, but I would have a difficult time not staring at the woman in the second video, personally. I dunno if I could maintain eye contact, but I'm willing to give it a try should I meet her. [grin]

I just followed some of the related links. WTF?

Too early for YouTube.

Much too early.

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