Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Entrophically Gifted

Sweet Nyrlathotep my apartment is a mess. How did it get that way?

Oh yeah. I'm a slob.

Okay, then. There we go. Makes perfect sense.

So did I actually clean up yesterday? Don't be silly. No, no. I watched a DVD, websurfed, and listened to music.

Doing constructive things would just be too reasonable.

Though I did balance my checkbook. To the penny. Yay OCD!!!

Alas, there really isn't that money in the account for this to be a victory. Ah well.

1 comment:

Aaron Britton said...

What music are you listening to?

Currently I am bombarding my eardrums with the sounds of:
Mono in VCF, Decemberists, Modest Mouse, Arcade Fire, and The National. Which is all good stuff.