Thursday, November 6, 2008


I meant to get back to riding my bike this week. I really did. I may ride my bike into work tomorrow.

Truth is, it's been cold in the morning and I've been feeling quite wimpy. I justify it by having just recently gotten over some kind of horrific virus, but I have to be honest with myself and admit that I've been lazy and enjoying the prospect of listening to music on my way into work.

Sure, I could play my MP3 player while I ride my bike, but in the wee-hours of the morning before the sun peeks over the horizon, it's not good to deprive one's self of one of the major sensory organs and operate a bicycle.

So, to compensate, I've been jogging the last few days.

And my legs... they hurt. Oh do they hurt.

I stretch every morning. Still, the legs. They hurt.

What's my point? Oh, no point. I'm just whining. What's the point of a blog if not to whine in a semi-public place?

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