How did Monday get here so fast?
Isn't that always the question on Mondays?
This weekend was certainly a blip on the radar screen... barely. I can't remember if I did anything Friday night. I think I drank beer and watched "Forbidden Kingdom" (a pair of tasks that go well together).
Saturday was low-key enough. I'm told it rained, but I never actually saw this alleged "rain". Just the after-effects (damp ground, etc.). Had dinner with the 'rents. Picked up comics. Everyone I talked to on Saturday was really strangely chatty. I was at the comic store for a good 45 minutes. About ten of those minutes were spent picking out comics and paying for them. The balance was talking to (and mainly listening to) the staff at the comic store chat about a wide and random assortment of things. And it went on from there.
Sunday was a friend's wedding at Mills College. I've never been to Mills before. It is a gorgeous campus and it actually had fall colors there. It was a good time. The wedding itself was short, sweet, and to the point. The ceremony might have been fifteen minutes. Maybe twenty. The balance of the afternoon was the reception, which had a chocolate fountain and Fat Tire beer.
I was happy.
I found myself exiting the same time as a friend from work and his family. For the first time that I can recall, I found myself holding on to one of my friend's kids.
Kids are surprisingly awkward to carry and a mite heavy. My respect for parents has gone up another couple of notches. And my desire to have kids of my own dropped another million notches.
Poo-Pourri Sugar Toasted Toots
Funny, punny Poo-Pourri freshens toilet funk with stink neutralizers. Sugar
Toasted Toots toilet spray is a vanilla, coconut and mint-scented
toot-tamer th...
13 minutes ago
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