Friday, October 17, 2008

Compression of Chronal Wavelengths

First off... why the HELL is 3pm taking so goddamn long to get here?

Seriously. What the frell is up with that?

Yes. I used a "Farscape" swear word. Try not to blush.

Secondly, Erik just shared with me that Loma Prieta (the earthquake) happened 19 years ago.

I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing. I didn't feel the quake. I was too far away. I remember hearing about it and the reactions, etc. It still wasn't a fun day. I can perfectly recall the knot of worry as some idiot newscaster claimed terrible disaster while I was unable to contact my family.

A lot has happened since then. Some good. Some not so good. I wonder if that "me" back then would recognize who I am now.

He'd probably be upset about the hair.

It's not like that was news back then, but still.

I wonder about some people I've lost track of in life. I wonder why the hell I did some of the things I did. I'm glad I'm not doing some of the things I did.

This meshes well with the weird dreams I've been having of late. I prefer not to dwell upon what my subconscious is screaming at me lately. I suspect it's a delayed reaction to recent landmark events.

Or I'm cracking up (more).

Or both.

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