Friday, October 10, 2008

How to deal with depression

The economy is in the shitter.

There's wars going on. The world feels less-stable than it did a decade ago.

There's endless stories of political and corporate corruption.

It's getting hard to envision any reasonable method for dealing with the future.

Everything good and tasty is bad for you.

Blah, blah, blah... I swear. It's like there's a hurricane of bad karma being tossed about these days. It's enough to drive people insane. No wonder so many people I know are so obsessed with some kind of escapism: drugs, video games, religion, booze, books, TV, whatever...

Thank goodness for escapism.

I, for one, am looking forward to my Saturday of escapism playing GURPS at Erik's tomorrow.

Table-top gaming is a somewhat sado-masochistic endeavor (which raises psychological questions I prefer not to dwell upon). Being a "game master" (running the game) caters well to one with sadistic tendencies (and meglomaniacal personalities with a burning urge to "play god"... it appeals well to me). Being a player in the game necessitates a certain degree of machochistic behavior (given the GM's usual inclination).

Usually, I am a GM. This Saturday, and for the next few months, I'll be a player. I like to think that the horrible abuse Erik will inflict upon my character will fuel my sadistic tendencies when I reassume the GM's chair.

It will be a good excuse for me when I indulge in evil again.

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