Monday, October 13, 2008

And so it begins

I can always tell when Autumn starts. Oh yeah, there's a specific calendar date and all that, but for me, personally, there's an indicator.

It always begins with one of two things: alcohol or exposure to a pet. Both booze and certain types of animals make me congested. Just one of those things. Usually, I'm good after a short period of time after exposure.

However, come Autumn, there's something in the air that hits me hard. The instigator of the congestion starts me getting all stuffy-headed and then I just stay that way for pretty much most of Autumn and a large part of Winter.


This especially sucks 'cause in terms of weather, I love Autumn. It's my favorite time of year (aside from the personal discomfort).

And I got to start with a double-whammy this weekend.

It began with the aformentioned trek to Forbidden Island (which, for the record, I don't regret in the least... mmm... tiki bar...). From the incoherent ramblings in my prior post, it seems pretty clear I had more than enough to drink. Saturday morning was... uncomfortable but not impossible.

Then the afternoon was spent at Erik's for a game. And they have a cat. Pom is an awesome cat, but she's also a long-haired one. About two hours into the game, I could feel my contacts burning and my sinuses reacting. By the time I left (well into the evening hours) I was fried.

Yesterday was more booze with the unnamed as part of an obligation followed by a visit with Wendell the cat. Wendell is a tabby and short-haired, so I don't (yet) react in terms of allergies. Not like I can tell as I'm reacting to the IPA from EJ Phair.

So this morning, I awake to that familiar feeling of not quite being able to breathe properly. The beginning of Autumn for me.

At least I had a lovely almost-full moon to light the way as I froze my arse off on the bike ride to work.

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