Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I have a full-blown cold.

It really hit me hard yesterday. About 10:30 am I realized I just couldn't work any more. I was light-headed, felt like my brain was packed in wool, my throat hurt... actually, except for the sore throat, it was kind of a typical Monday.

In any event, I went home. I got some groceries at TJ's to enable me to feed myself and I rested.

Sometime around 6pm or so, I slammed some Nyquil and was done.

My alarm went off this morning and I was not feeling any better. I called in to advise my manager and my coffee buddy that I wasn't going to make it in. I then fell back asleep.

All told, I've gotten roughly 14 or more hours of sleep.

I still feel like crap. I can tell it's a cold. That whole body-ache feeling is pretty much a sign. The sore throat still tickles at me. I feel a little bit light-headed still, though less than yesterday.

Goddamn it.

I hate being sick.

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