Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pleasing development

What a frustrating week this has been so far - both in and out of the office. I'm glad I have Friday off to recharge a bit. Saturday's giving me a headache every time I think about it.

Still... I have a case of Newcastle in my 'fridge. While I missed class thanks to my afternoon meeting, I managed to get a nice run in that helped clear my head a little bit.

And I got paid. That always helps take the edge off.

I registered for a class I've been meaning to take. That will take care of next Friday nicely. I'll follow it up with much-deserved drinks.

But that's next week.

So after getting back from my run, I made dinner and watched my recording of "Fringe".

The gang took on a transgenic monster that was part gila monster/giant snake, part lion, and part bat.

It was AWESOME!!! I laughed. I cried. I shuddered. Oh it was good times.

That show just keeps getting better and better.

Now I'm hoping to settle the last few details of Saturday's game with a couple of players... hopefully by tomorrow so I can focus on other things.

I need a long vacation.

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