Monday, April 6, 2009

My preciousssessss

Ain't they purdy?

You have no idea what they are, do you?

They are chainmail dice. They are hand-crafted by a god among men whom I shall refer to only as "Guy a God Among Men".

I received them Friday night during my imbibing of sake and sushi (in that order).

They're so damn cool!

I can't stop fiddling with them.

I want to take them with me everywhere, but I'm afraid I'd lose them amidst my fiddling, which would result in a bought of epic depression on my part.

Me likey.

I knew the first die was being crafted by Guy a God Among Men's crafty hands, but the second one was a surprise.

A welcome surprise.

My precioussess....

Yes, I know that's not a word. Don't judge me.

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