Sunday, February 22, 2009

Snoring Old Men

It's been raining pretty much all day. Makes me happy. It gives me an excuse to hang around indoors without guilt.

I'm managed to get my VCR/DVD-R to play nice with the cable thingie. I can record shows again. I think. It cost me my Friday "Dollhouse"/"BSG" tape, but I was half-watching both shows Friday night as they recorded and I don't think I missed anything by not giving them my full attention.

I tried to help some elderly neighbors change a tire today in our garage. Damn me if we couldn't get the bolts off his wheel. It was crazy. None of the bolts gave at all. I put my full weight into it (and I'm not light). Didn't give at all.

Hopefully AAA had better luck after my neighbor called them.

I did brave the rain to truck in and see the 'rents. They fed me... oh did they feed me. Mmm...

And I have enough leftovers that I won't need to cook for myself for a good week or so.

I've finished my taxes. I'm getting cash back. Yay!

And I can walk on my foot nearly pain-free for the first time in weeks.

Life is good.

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