Monday, February 23, 2009

Smile! You're on Citation Camera!

Have you encountered those intersections with the cameras?

If you don't know what I mean, I'm talking about those automatic cameras that take pictures of cars in intersections during red lights.

They're a clever idea, but maddening.

There's one such setup at the major intersection near my office. I have a sneaking suspicion that the city configured the lights at that intersection on a deliberately fast cycle so the yellow light is less than a heartbeat then it's red and *snip*, you're on citation camera.

I avoid that intersection, when possible. Normally I come into the office via another route. However, with the welcome-but-heavy rains, my normal route is flooded. So I opted for plan 'B' and came this route.

This early in the morning, everything is on a timer... theoretically. I approached the intersection from about thirty yards away and the light was green. As I was about eight feet from crossing into the intersection, it turned yellow.

I stopped in time. Barely. The road was rather slick, so I made noises that would attract attention if anyone was awake this early.

I swear the f***ing lights are out to get me.

But I avoided a citation. This time.

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