I caught the Jon Stewart interview with Jim Cramer.
* Wow. Jon Stewart is a god.
* Jim Cramer maintained his composure remarkably well, all things considered.
* CNBC needs to invest in a tissue company for these nosebleeds that Stewart is giving them.
* What the HELL happened to this country that our best broadcast news reporting is coming from a frakking comedy show?
Seriously. What the hell?
[Rant follows. Tune out. You know you don't want to read this.]
I studied Journalism in school (you'd hardly be able to tell by how incoherent my blog and thought processes are). I've always been irritated when I have friends, relatives, or random strangers blather on to me about the "liberal media".
Drives me nuts.
There's no "liberal" media. There's no "conservative" media. There's a sensationalist media and each individual talking head show/offering tries a different angle to stir people up. Fox "news" does it for one angle. The Daily Show does it for another angle.
Of course, the Daily Show is a comedy offering. They really don't claim to be serious "news". And yet their offerings usually have a more in-depth analysis of events than actual news offerings on other networks and they question the status-quo regardless of the party in office. They stay pretty consistent on the message of the truth.
It's the job of journalists to question the status-quo, regardless of who is in office and whether or not the journalist agrees with what's going on. Why is Stewart doing a better job of that than mainstream shows?
Oh, some mainstream news does okay, but if a comedy show is consistently doing it better, there's something seriously wrong.
[Okay, I'm done on the soapbox of incoherent rambling on this topic. I should be a good little writer, wait, re-read this, and edit it so I sound less like an idiot, but I'm not gonna.]
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7 minutes ago
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