Monday, March 2, 2009

The BSG Report

I keep forgetting to rant about my TV shows. I wonder if it's because I find them so boring lately?

I'd comment on "Burn Notice", but this season's been too lackluster for me to really care about the individual episodes.

I screwed up in taping "Dollhouse" and only got the last half. Seemed kind of a yawner, so I'm not inclined to watch the balance on Hulu.

"Battlestar Galactica" was one I managed to watch and record.

In summary:

Blah-blah. Attempt at a touching moment between two characters I don't care about. Blah-blah. Lots of whining about existential ennui. Blah-blah. Dream sequences. Blah-blah. Predictable twist with a "bad" character and a "good" character who look exactly alike.

The return of a really stupid song.

A kidnapping that was no great shocker.

Inexplicable moment demonstrating that the nigh-invincible Battlestar Galactica is really vulnerable to love-taps for a really contrived reason.


BSG's ending episodes, save for Gaeta's rebellion, have been an unbelievable disappointment. I can't believe I'm watching the same show that had me hooked over a year ago.

I'm hard-pressed to care enough to bother recording the final episodes at this point.

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