Saturday, July 25, 2009


Maybe it's allergies. I dunno. I feel semi-crappy, but not too bad now.

I took the time to do some cooking for the week. Made pasta sauce, then made some cookies.


I saw an interview on Geekologie with a 20-year-old Jake Lloyd (the kid-Anakin from the horrific nightmare of film that was Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace).

I always felt bad for that kid. I saw him act in the "Young Indiana Jones Chronicles" and thought the actor wasn't bad for a child.

Let's face it, it was Lucas's directing that made The Phantom Crap suck so bad. Even Natalie Portman (who can pretty much do no wrong) wasn't all that good in the prequel trilogy. She's a fantastic actress. It was purely what the actors were given to work with.

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