Saturday, May 30, 2009

Burning off Karma

I spent the productive parts of today being a shuttle driver for a martial arts tournament that has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm learning beyond having a few common teachers and a common umbrella organization.

Let me tell you, driving to and from SFO on a Saturday sucks arse.

Parking in Berkeley sucks even more arse.

I'm goddamn tired.

I BARTed into Berkeley to do my shuttle bit. After I handed off the keys I stopped at Jupiter for a couple of pints and something to eat.

I'm nursing a lovely buzz right now supplemented by a Newcastle from my 'fridge.

I'd planned to cook up some pasta sauce, but I don't trust my ability to handle complex machinery or anything that may invoke fire.

I'm - right now - processing a lot of raw data a variety of people have thrown at me.

I've found out that one of my best friends is going to become a father in 2010. I'm damn happy for Recon (you won't get it, so don't bother trying) and his lovely wife.

I'm kind of numb from the booze. Maybe skipping lunch was a bad idea?

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