Friday, February 8, 2013

Another Welcome Friday

With a much-needed infusion of BBotE in my bloodstream, I face the end of another week with caffeine buzzing through my system.

The caffeine isn't letting me focus. Instead, my brain ponders the true mysteries of the universe. For example:
  • Was any of the Prometheus mission supposed to make sense?
  • Why did Owen and Beru Lars let Luke Skywalker grow up with the surname "Skywalker". Wouldn't that be a tipoff to the Empire? Why not make him use the name Lars?
  • If S.H.I.E.L.D. could scramble jets to nuke New York City, why they hell didn't they send the Avengers some air support to help stop the Chitauri invasion?
  • If Luke was "too old" to begin training to be a Jedi, but he was the last hope of the Jedi, why didn't Yoda or Obi-Wan just raise Luke as a child to be a Jedi from the get-go? Why stick him with relative strangers on a gangster-controled planet?
  • What lunatic thought the Enterprise was a sane design for a spaceship?
  • Why the hell didn't Yoda and Obi-Wan simultaneously start training Leia as a Jedi? Why keep her completely in the dark? What kind of sexist bullshit was that?
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. had field offices in New York City (per the Captain America movie). Why weren't their local agents out helping out the Avengers?
  • Space Battleship Yamato. Okay, so your planet is getting bombed to hell by aliens. You decide to take the rusting hulk of an obsolete aquatic warship that got sunk and turn it into a spaceship. What the hell? You were all out of modern materials? If so... how the hell did you get it spaceworthy? WTF?
  • Really? You have the One Ring of Power. The ultimate weapon of the age. And you send it with nine people, four of whom are the size of children and have no combat training, out to try to infiltrate the most heavily-guarded kingdom of the age. That's your plan? You couldn't... oh, I dunno... fly it into the volcano? You couldn't take it overseas to where the wizards and Sauron came from and destroy it there? I mean, the Elves are going there en masse. It's not like it's out of the way...

I think of these things.

Can't wait for this cough to go away.

I'm not yet up to debauchery-strength, alas. Nice greasy burger, fries, and a couple of pints of beer for dinner last night and it did not set well. The burger was too much for my system to handle. The beers were welcome (and delicious) but hit me really hard.

Guess I need to try again tonight.


Aaron Britton said...

my take on the prometheus movie is that humans were developed as a weapon, just like aliens.

J said...

My take on the Prometheus movie is that the writers had their heads too far up their respective asses to ever hope to make sense of the nonsensical jumble the film became.