Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Signs and Portents

Sometimes the Universe is just trying to tell you something and it's time to shut up and listen.

I woke today determined to attend martial arts class. My neck is in pain and I knew tonight's topic would end up straining my neck and shoulder, but I opted to ignore that. If I blew off stuff 'cause I'm in pain, I'd never get anything done aside from making delicious cocktails.

I hopped on BART and, just as I sat down, realized I forgot several items, including my ID.

On top of that, I woke this morning feeling a bit dubious. That feeling hasn't really properly subsided.

For a chance, dim thought penetrated the vast emptiness of my skull and I decided it was time to just call it. So, that's that. Sigh. So why do I feel guilty?

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