Thursday, October 17, 2013

From Dys to Barely-Functional

Looks like Congress figured out how to pull its collective head out of its collective ass to get the Federal Government running again. I'll admit I was expecting a default and utter collapse. Wonder what it would take to Gitmo the Teabagger/GOP jackasses under some kind of terrorism charge? I mean, they've managed to do more damage to the country than anyone else thus far...

Looks like BART is still running, day-by-day. They're taking a Dread Pirate Roberts cue, it seems. "Good night. Sleep tight. Most likely kill you in the morning." Oh c'mon. I worked hard to slip in that Princess Bride ref!

AC Transit now plans a strike but looks like the Governor is going after that 60-day cooling off period play.

The mind boggles as to what the Bay Area would have been like had the Federal Government remained shut-down (and defaulted) while both BART and AC Transit went on strike. "Mass hysteria" doesn't come close to fitting that picture.


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