Sunday, October 13, 2013

A weekend of stuff

Not sure if I can chalk this weekend as a win or not.

The game I ran seems to have gone reasonably well. New player added to my group and he seemed to have meshed well with others. It was a larger group than I'm used to and there was personality stuff going on in the background that could become a bad problem if not addressed... and I don't know how to address it (or if I even want to).

Adding to that was my laptop melting down. The Internet did not have many solid reasons why my laptop had a tendency to freeze up. The best reason I could find was a possible overheating issue, but I don't know how true that is. Certainly it's looking like time for a new laptop. Yeah, 'cause I have that kind of money lying around...

Got my flu shot last week and I think it hosed my immune system a little. That or my allergies are starting to kick my ass more. Having a rough time staying awake and focused today.

Early bedtime for this little camper, that's for sure.

Attempted to make a ratatouille for dinner tonight.

I'm going to start off by saying that one really has to be careful when cooking eggplant. Beyond that, it's not a terribly difficult dish but my first try could have been better. Still, kudos for attempting to eat healthy and all that.

Real life demands more of my attention now and I need to focus... after a nap.

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