Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Those twin gods

I was all set to come to work in a bad mood and have a bad day.

In fairness, my day isn't even half-over, so it could still take a turn into the bad place, but the gods of perversity and irony do appear determined to cheer me up.

  • A book I ordered was sitting on my chair as I came in.
  • A pair of nagging, lingering assignments I've been trying to deal with were suddenly concluded.
  • Best of all: a weekly, recurring meeting that crunches right into my lunch hour was cancelled.
I hate meetings. I hate meetings with a passion beyond my ability to express. I especially hate any and all meetings that run longer than sixty minutes on the dot.

If you can't address an issue, discuss it, and come to some kind of constructive conclusion in under sixty minutes, you should not be meeting, in my humble opinion. Or if you do, it should be with smaller, discreet groups better-tuned to the issue at-hand.

Plus, I find meetings boring beyond words.

I'll be curious to see if the day continues in this surprisingly-pleasant fashion or if that light I see is... hm... is that a train's whistle?

How the hell did I get on these tracks, anyway?

Oh SHI.....!!!!

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