Friday, January 4, 2013


I'm not one to make New Year's Resolutions anymore.

The idea is sort of bullshit, as far as I'm concerned. If you need to make a change in your life, seems to me it's best to just do it instead of waiting for some arbitrary event, like New Year's or birthdays, or the like.

Not that I follow my own advice, mind you, but such is life.

Still, I suppose it doesn't hurt to set a few goals.

So here I go:

  1. I resolve to test out my Cthulhu Tiki Mug with a proper rum drink (preferably a Zombie) before the end of March of 2013.
  2. I will do some sort of cardio activity at least three times a week until sloth or ADD distra... ooh! Shiny thing. What was I saying?
  3. I will ramp down on my impulse buy... oh who am I kidding?
  4. I shall endeavor to refine my snark but deliver it only upon those who have earned the honor of my scorn and derision.
  5. I shall not destroy my alarm clock in a fit of bloody-minded rage in the wee-hours o' th' mornin'.
  6. I shall get the proper equipment to make my own rum cocktails before the end of August 2013 and make a mai tai worthy of my Cthulhu Tiki Mug.
Okay, no sense overdoing things here. I'll stop while the list isn't too unreasonable.

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