Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Settling Chaos

It's hard to adjust after returning from a trip, especially if the return trip was trying.

I probably should have taken yesterday off from work, but I'm glad I didn't. I had a chance to clean up some small brush-fires in the office and deal with an ordered item that needs to be returned.

The day went fairly-smoothly, save that the dry office air made my cough worse and jetlag kicked my arse in the afternoon.

I wound up going for a short jog yesterday, then returned home and did some cooking before passing out with a shot of Nyquil.

I didn't need the Nyquil to sleep. I needed it for the cough and scratchy throat.

The cough is much better and the scratchy throat no longer troubles me.

My internal clock feels more aligned so I may have just dealt with jetlag as well.

I'm hoping to do class this week. I've been away too long.

It's good to be home.

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