Thursday, February 4, 2010

proactivity time

Every once in a while, I stop whining about something that's bugging me and actually step up to deal with the issue.

Oh sure, it deprives me of whining-fodder, but there's a lot to be said about being proactive.

Not all of what can be said is positive.

So after addressing a particular purchase problem (a delay in the order that was causing logistical problems with me), I went about an alternate way of getting said item.

Problem solved... only not. My alternate way got me hit with sales tax, which was unexpected and rather painful.

I could cancel the order and go back to my original source, but at this point I'm tired of dealing with the problem. I'll eat the cost and hopefully know better in the future.

Bonus: I now have something new to whine about! Woo-hoo!

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