Saturday, December 13, 2008

Well that was exciting

I went to a party in SF at my friend Steve's place.

Nice party. Good food. Hot drinks.

Oh, and there was a fire across the street.

Apparently a recycling bin (or a homeless cart) caught on fire. Before our eyes, it went from a small flame to a bonfire that in five minutes managed to ignite the pickup truck the fire was next to. The truck was in bad shape when the fire department arrived, broke the windows, and hosed the whole thing down.

Oh, for the record, not all of us were staring like idiots. Steve was heroic enough to dash downstairs and coordinate with the building security to get fire extinguishers. They got one extinguisher to the blaze, but it was too far along by that time.

When Steve arrived with the other two he found, the fire department had already arrived and done their heroic thing.

Kind of exciting, all said.

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