Friday, December 19, 2008

Holidaze Goodness

Xmas came a little early to me yesterday.

* Xmas bonus (helped the savings account a bit)
* big office "to-do" which resulted in free pizza and a pretty awesome company pic
* got in the mail my key fob (a gift to myself)
* got in the mail a set of warm jammies from one of my friends overseas (awesome warm jammies in my size!)

I had one friend make me a paracord bracelet (in black!), which is just... so... very... awesome (it's being re-sized). Hand-made. How f***ing cool is that? (Answer: pretty damn cool)

Just got mail from another friend who said he ordered me one of the bracelets and had it shipped.

I'm amused that this became a gift theme for me. I'm not sure how, but good times.

And to top this off, I came in this morning and yet another friend (and co-worker) left me a small basket of chocolate on my desk.

I guess I'm not subtle (not that I've ever pretended to be).

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