Monday, August 13, 2012


According to the I Love blog, which drew info from Dukin Donuts, the number one profession for coffee consumption is scientist/lab tech.

I find it personally-fascinating that paralegal isn't on the list at all.

Before making the incredibly-sane career move to writer, I worked in a not-quite-paralegal role for a few years. It was hell on earth, but that's another story for a never time. During that time, I consumed what would be considered an ungodly and ridiculously-unhealthy amount of coffee.

It helps that I had a side-job for Starbucks at the time.

That was good times.

And resulted in one episode of caffeine poisoning which was... unpleasant.

I may have been an extreme case, though. That would be a good description of my life as a whole, actually.

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