Friday, May 28, 2010

Regurgitating Electrons

In retrospect, it might not have been the best possible idea to download and install the lightsaber and phaser apps to my iTouch.

It's going to play merry havoc on the battery life and may well get me beaten or shot.

In other news, Friday has arrived and a delightful three-day weekend awaits.

There is much rejoicing.

It's going to be freakin' JUNE next week.


I'm trying to figure out what happened to May. Hell, I'm trying to figure out what happened to April.

Huh. Why is it that "April", "May", and "June" are girl's names, but I never meet any girls named "January", "February", "March", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", or "December"?

If I have a daughter, I'm going to name her "October". Just 'cause I can.

If I have a son, I'm still leaning towards "Darth Apocalypse Nyarlathotep". I'll let him go by "DAN" for short.

I look forward to the hellhole nursing home they'll pick for me, should either of them ever manifest in reality.

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