Friday, September 17, 2010

Well How About That?

And so it comes to pass that another week draws to a close.

Wow. That's kind of a bit melodramatic, isn't it?


Next week should be awesome from an entertainment perspective. The remake of "Hawai'i Five-O" airs on Monday (starring Grace Park... mmm...) and the third season of "Fringe" airs Thursday. And the week ends on Oktoberfest.

GERMAN BEER, BABY!!! WOO-HOO!!!! DAS GUT! (I have no idea if I spelled that correctly as my entire German vocabulary revolves around food and saying "Gesundheit" when people sneeze.)

I have yet to get the second season of "Fringe" on DVD yet. Alas, the local stores either don't have it or have it for too high a price. I'll probably Amazon it in a week or two when the credit card gets a bit less radioactive.

I watch the first season over-and-over to a rather ridiculous degree, so I'm confident any money I spend on "Fringe" will be worth it for my entertainment and amusement.

I'm usually pretty easily distra-SQUIRREL!!!

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