Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Adrenaline Jolt

Driving my Preciousssss in to work this morning has become a routine task. I navigate between people who think they're on the German Autobahn and people who are clearly still 90% asleep and driving like zombies.

It's an experience.

It's not the sort of experience one wants to add road debris to.

It was therefore a bit of a shock when I saw sparks flying from a car off a lane to my left and about four car lengths up.

And then the crap went flying across my window.

Yeah. That was exciting.

I'm thrilled my window didn't break, crack, or chip. I'm ecstatic that my Preciousss appears otherwise unscratched or damaged. I'm beyond thrilled I didn't join the half-dozen people I passed along the side of the freeway with flat tires.

That sort of excitement I don't need this early in the morning... or really ever.

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