Friday, September 24, 2010

Ups and Downs

I awoke to warmer temperatures, the clanging of the garbage trucks, and allergies... or at least I think they're allergies.

I blazed through some more "White Collar" before the high point of my day: meeting my good friend Vicky for a fine lunch of Japanese food.

Mmm... Japanese food.

After that, I detoured to REI to get some Vibram Five Fingers to replace the damaged pair I have. They're nice and comfy.

Tonight's class was taught by the one teacher who tends to push my buttons in a bad way. I left class angry and frustrated, as often happens when this one guy teaches. I'm still trying to work out why this guy pisses me off so much. He's a nice enough fellow and a talented martial artist. I think his teaching skills don't mesh well with me.

Once a bad mood sets in, it's hard to shake. I stayed irritable until I got home, then chilled over dinner and more "White Collar". I had an IM conversation with a friend that didn't improve my mood, but that's my problem, not hers.

Retrieved some packages waiting for me at the office, then finished "White Collar". Delightful show. Now I know what happened in the first season. Yay!

Something with dinner isn't settling right. That's an unpleasant capper to the day.

Tomorrow is Oktoberfest. Beer time. I'm ready for a few pints.

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