Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Let's get the whining out of the way first, shall we?

On Monday I got flipped. Literally flipped. Landed on my upper shoulders and the back of my head. And I was driven full-force into the somewhat-padded ground.

This was, of course, part of my class. Hurt like hell. I saw stars and the whole shebang.

Why mention this on Wednesday? Well... have you ever had whiplash? If you've ever been in a car accident, you know that whiplash usually hits a couple of days after the accident. It's especially bad in the mornings.

So it's a cool and wet morning here and it's a couple of days after I was thrown.

Whiplash. Yeah. Fun. Ow.

So... on to other topics.

"Lost". Yep. Still weird. Good times. I can't wait for "Fringe" to return, though.

I'm slowly working my way through Charles Stross's The Jennifer Morgue. Good, weird-spy fun.

Trader Joe's mixed-berry lowfat granola tastes a bit like Froot Loops.

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