Wednesday, March 10, 2010

People are Strange

I'm listening to my own private Corey Haim eulogy in the form of selected songs from The Lost Boys.

Specifically, "Cry Little Sister". Creepy song.

Oh, I wasn't a particular fan of Haim's. I just enjoyed The Lost Boys. I'd be hard-pressed to name another movie Haim was in, actually. He was just one of those faces from the late '80's that was so familiar in movies.

The title of the post comes from another song from the soundtrack, of course.

On the topic of strange, I think my self-destructive tendencies are starting to get worse. My damn wrist injury is flaring up again. It's never really healed properly and even with the brace I'm still experiencing pain. It's a bit worse this week than it's been.

I'm sure class has something to do with that. This evening it was throws. Do you have any idea how hard it is to throw someone half your size?

Okay, yes... it's not hard at all. It's hard to practice a proper technique meant to work on people bigger than you when your target is half your size and mass.

And the wrist pain... not fun.

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