Monday, August 3, 2009

Spiked water?

Well this has been a goddamn weird day.

It's been a good one, but weird.

A good dozen people I regularly converse with have been acting really out-of-character odd. I wonder if there's something in the water?

Is it a full moon?

And apparently I have a new neighbor... or one of my neighbors got a roommate. Or... um... I honestly dunno what's up.

The two things I ordered today shipped. Today.

Neat, but unusual.

Seems like I'm on-track for Sunday's test. Multiple black belts did pleasant corrections to my attempts to do things that I can't do very well. Nobody said "hm... you know... you might want to sit this one out." That's usually a good sign.

I need to figure out why some people found my last batch of brownies to taste funny.

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