A full moon peeked through the clouds as I drove in this morning.
That would explain some of the crazy lately... if, you know, that actually meant anything.
I pulled into my office parking lot and turned off my car. A police cruiser sudden roared into my lot and was out of my view.
I was wondering what's up. I got out, shouldering my bag and my gym bag. I looked at an isolated part of the lot. Two police cruisers were sitting side-by side in a police date thing. Huh.
Oh well. Good to know. Keeps the lot safe, I guess.
The news had an article this morning about the latest meme-poster going around. I guess someone gave the Ledger-Joker treatment to an Obama poster. Instead of "Why so Serious", the meme is "Why socialism" or some similar nonsense.
As far as memes go, it's pretty effective. It's annoying me 'cause of that whole bullshit about socialism. C'mon, lardbutt dittoheads! Socialism? Really? You meth-added dorks haven't a clue, have you? Obama's pretty centrist. He's been going out-of-his-way to include Repugnicans in the mix. I mean, if regulating and lending government assistance is "socialism", I guess you guys will stop using those federally-funded highways and visiting those federally-funded state parks and...
Oh, end rant. Good lord. It's too early to be babbing on about politics.
It's not too early to be considering extra coffee, though...
Poo-Pourri Sugar Toasted Toots
Funny, punny Poo-Pourri freshens toilet funk with stink neutralizers. Sugar
Toasted Toots toilet spray is a vanilla, coconut and mint-scented
toot-tamer th...
24 minutes ago
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