Monday, April 9, 2012

Salty Mines

Monday sure came quickly.

I guess that means the weekend was busy. And it was. Highlights (to inspire yawns):

* got my bike fixed (FINALLY!)
* tepid and entirely-forgettable Firkin Fest (beer tasting festival)
* got very disturbing (but not surprising) news
* saw a newborn faun. We believe the faun was born on Easter Sunday, no less.

Honestly, I don't care much about Easter. I'm not especially religious (save for my deep and all-abiding devotion to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, of which I am an ordained minister).

That didn't prevent me from enjoying the Easter-ish meal of lamb (ah, irony) that I devoured with gluttonous glee. I picked up some Cadbury Easter Eggs as well, just to push my system into diabetic coma all the faster.

Of course, now that I have my bike fixed, I should exercise more and burn calories. Wait. The weather report for the week is rain from Tuesday through Friday? Seriously?

Yes. Of course. That makes perfect sense. Oh well.

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