Friday, March 9, 2012

Twelve Hours

It started yesterday morning. It was really, really difficult to get out of bed and get to the office. I managed it, but I never really shook the tired feeling.

Then I started getting that achy feeling that is never a good sign. Coupled with the headaches and fatigue, I hastily took a half-day at the office and went home.

And napped.

I woke, went to the dentist (*sigh*... that's a whole other basket of crap) and insisted on wearing my jacket in the office.

I was cold. The staff thought I was nuts.

Yeah. That was just a bucket of awesome.

I picked up some dinner and went home. And I was wiped the hell out. I ate then crashed.

For twelve hours, combined.

I woke to my alarm. I remember deciding that there was just no way I was operating a car this early. I called in and went right back to bed and slept more.

I'm ambulatory now and feeling a lot better, but still kind of tired.

Sleep. It does a body good.

No drinking for this little monkey this weekend. I just want to be healthy to nerd out tomorrow.

And the goddamn time change starts Sunday.


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