Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I blame the sleep issues. It took a while but I finally got it.

Conclusion: I've been fighting a bug. Again.

I swear, I've been at-war with illness (or allergies?) more times this year...

Hang on. Let me back up.

Yesterday was pretty much a disaster. I was constantly struggling to stay awake. My Black Blood of the Earth supply is tapped out and more people discovered the awesome, preventing me from resupplying in the foreseeable future.

I digress.

I was wiped the hell out yesterday. My sinuses were giving me that throat tickle and I had just enough energy to drive home, make dinner, and turn into a houseplant.

I went to bed and slept - without the assistance of Nyquil - from 7pm 'till about 4am this morning.

I feel vaguely human now. So far.

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