There's a lot of things in the world right now that make me really, really angry:
* PG&E stuffing the pockets of their executives with money intended for safety. (One might recall a little problem a couple of years ago...)
* Banks getting rich by fraudulent business practices, getting bailed out by tax money, then giving themselves bonuses.
* Indefinite detention powers claimed by the U.S. government (essentially pissing on the corpse of the Bill of Rights).
* Opt-out options.
Wait. Opt-out? Why would I by angry about those?
I'm angry that I have to opt-out of anything. I have the ability to opt-out of businesses sharing my personal info with every dickhead in the world. I have the ability to opt-out of Google's G+ integration feature. I have the ability to opt-out of getting called by telemarkers via the "Do Not Call" database.
Why the hell should I have to be the one to initate an action to undo unwanted intrusions in my life?
Why the hell should phone companies be selling my (UNLISTED) number without my permission? Why the hell are ANY companies sharing my personal information with ANYONE without my express permission?
Hell, I don't even care about the Google thing. I just don't conduct searches on Google while logged-in to my account. Problem solved there.
I find the intrusiveness of the world increasingly abhorrent. I don't agree with the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world who claim that we "don't want" privacy.
I find it mind-boggling that our elected government cannot, for the life of them, do their goddamn jobs and protect the public from all the abuse of these corporations.
I really find it mind-boggling that we can't elect people who can do these jobs.
I can't say I'd do better, but I'm obviously no politican...
Today is a day when I do believe I will require a few drinks... after work, of course.
Poo-Pourri Sugar Toasted Toots
Funny, punny Poo-Pourri freshens toilet funk with stink neutralizers. Sugar
Toasted Toots toilet spray is a vanilla, coconut and mint-scented
toot-tamer th...
4 minutes ago
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