Monday, January 30, 2012


I spent the weekend (and some time leading up to the weekend) enjoying more than a little beer.

It's what I do.

As part of being social, I left my local watering hole and journeyed to distant lands (okay, a few train stops away) to try new and interesting beer locales (and, in some ill-advised behavior, cocktail locales).

One beer stuck out in my frazzled memory more than the others: Brewdog Paradox Smokehead a "whiskey cask aged imperial stout".

The charming bartender lady advised me that other patrons described it as "drinking liquid smoke".

They were correct. It tastes exactly like that.

The black-as-sin brew conjured up memories of my uncle and aunt, both heavy smokers and their smoke-saturated home.

And it wasn't a weak brew at all.

It wasn't the Bavarian smoked beer taste I was seeking, but it sure satisfied. Might have been a smidge better, actually.

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