Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012: Day Three

Second goal of 2012 accomplished: obtained a copy of Beachbum Berry's "Beachbum Berry Remixed" which includes Beachbum Berry's "Intoxica" and "Grog a Log".

What does this mean? I do believe this means I will try my hand at tiki drink mixing this spring/summer.

My first goal was exercise. After jogging some thirty minutes or so yesterday, I made an attempt to try P90X.

So... yeah.

I have a minor shoulder injury. It's pretty much healed, but still gives me the occasional twinge. Despite this, I tried the chest-and-back P90X exercise. I couldn't make it through the first twenty minutes of the hour-ish workout before I realized I was experiencing pain that fits in the "bad" category.

I did step up and try the "Ab Ripper X" workout. Ouch. For what that's worth, I did manage to finish it.

I went to bed early last night and I slept like a baby.

I only hurt a little bit this morning and my shoulder doesn't hurt more than usual, so that's promising.

Not bad for three days into the year.

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