Friday, October 19, 2012

Atomic Robo

I first heard of Atomic Robo when picking up a refill of Black Blood of the Earth.

Herr Direktor mentioned something of this comic. I recalled folks at the comic store I frequent mentioning the same. I also recalled seeing said comic. I was intrigued and filed away that information in the recesses of my brain.

And forgot to follow-up.

Fast-forward almost a year.

Had a game last week. A buddy brought volume four of "Atomic Robo" for me to peruse.

I read it. I re-read it. I re-re-read it.

I laughed. I cried (mostly because it's got some really funny scenes). I tried to re-re-re-read it but I have to sleep sometime.

This morning, I was perusing the site as I was linking it. I saw this one.

If I'd been drinking my coffee at that moment, I would have third degree burns throughout my sinuses.

I'm now weighing how far I want to go into debt this month. Is it worth it to grab all the trade paperbacks or should I pace myself?

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