Friday, July 27, 2012


It's a fascinating thing when your manager tells you that you really need to take time off. As in "you've got too much vacation accrued. Take some damn time off!"

Lacking funds to do anything... um... fun, I've opted to burn the odd Friday here-and-there.

The last twenty-four hours have had:
- a visit to a nice whiskey bar
- a visit to a dump
- a visit to a recycling center
- cooking pasta sauce
- an ill-advised lunch at the local pub
- an even more ill-advised thought that maybe I should try some of these unopened bottles of liquor in my kitchen as a "taste test" while the pasta sauce simmers.

Not the wisest use of my time, overall. Except for the pasta sauce. This is going to be dinner for the coming couple of weeks. Good times.

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