Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday again?

Another week begins.

I'm somewhat-surprised how much I was able to get done with a three-day weekend. Mostly little cleaning/maintenance stuff. Funny how I put more effort into cleaning my car than my apartment.

Shows my priorities, I guess. Then again, I do refer to my car as "My Precioussssss".

I also try to do the Gollum voice. Not sure how convincing I am, but I do notice folk sidle away when I do that.

At the recommendation of a friend, I am reading John Dies at the End by "David Wong" (a pseudonym for editor Jason Pargin).

Think "The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (without, y'know, leaving the planet) meets "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" (there is a Las Vegas scene in the book) meets "They Live". Mix in some drugs. Liberally.

It's a very entertaining read. I'm almost halfway through and am thoroughly enjoying it.

I can't believe August is almost here. That said, I'm somewhat-relieved August is almost here. The next paycheck will be welcome. Gonna be a tight couple of months. *sigh*.

Learned how to make an Old Fashioned yesterday.

Note to self: when making one for my own consumption, I should use less whiskey than what I was taught. Yikes.

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