Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Rough Morning

  • Had trouble waking up.
  • Headwind. Argh. Though after yesterday's heat, I'm not going to complain about the breeze, I suppose.
  • Found out some sad news from a friend.
  • Lots of software updates. Lots and lots of software updates.
  • Pretty sure the office A/C isn't working.
  • Someone, somewhere outside is playing weird, haunting, discordant... music? Kind of spooky, really.
It's not even 5:30 am yet... Oy.

Edit: And... ye gods... I'm having serious problems typing/spelling of late. Either my brain is melting, I'm developing some kind of disability later in life, I'm having a stroke, all of the above, or something completely random is messing me up. Very disconcerting.

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