Friday, August 15, 2008

and another Friday comes about

And with it comes Payday! Woo-hoo!

So, once again, XKCD gets it right.

And I'm tempted to ask for one of these for my birthday.

I can only imagine the amount of chaos I could cause with one of those. It would make movies more enjoyable, though...

I just finished reading Brian Ruckley's "Winterbirth". It was an enjoyable read, although it had a slow start. He's got some really interesting concepts. I've ordered book two through the ancient greek warrior woman online retailer.

(How's that for code?)

I've gone five-for-five this week on bicycling. Damn but that tuneup made a huge difference.

Okay, I'm out of things to say. I really have to do something interesting with my life.

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